synonyms word with hindi meaning

दोस्तो आज मैं आप लोगों के साथ शेयर करने वाला हूं synonyms word with hindi meaning जो सभी competative exam में पूछे जाते है। यहां 200 से भी अधिक synonyms words है जो हिंदी अर्थ के साथ लिखी गई हैं। हिंदी में पर्यायवाची शब्द पढ़े।

synonyms in hindi and english

synonym words start with “A”

Main wordsHindi meaningSynonyms
Abandonत्यागनाgive up ,leave , forsake
Abdicateपद त्यागनाquit , abandon , surrender
abilityयोग्यताcompetence , talent , capability
abnormalअसाधारणanomalous , peccliar , different
absenceअनुपस्थितिdearth , deficiency , scarcity
absoluteशुद्धcomplete , exact , genuine
accelerateजल्दी करनाadvance , expedite ,hurry
acceptस्वीकार करनाacquire , gain ,obtain
accessसमीप में पहुंचadmission , admittance , approach
accidentदुर्घटनाcalamity ,casualty , disaster
advancedउन्नति करता हुआextreme , foremost , forward
allianceसमझौताcoalition , compact , agreement
althoughयदि ऐसा होevenif , even though , though while
alwaysहमेशाever , forever , evermore
amongबिच मेंamidst , amongst , midst
analysisविभाजनdivision , enquiry, review
ancientप्राचीनobsolete , aged , out of date
apologyछमा प्रार्थनाjustification, defence, excuse
arrivalआगमनappearance , approach , entrance
arrogantअहंकारीconceited , haughty , proud
artificialकृतिमbogus , unnatural , synthetic
aspirantआकांछीapplicant , suitor , candidate , competitor
awkwardभद्दाclumsy , difficult , inexpert
ascendउठानाmount , move up ,go up ,climb
synonyms word with hindi meaning
synonyms word with hindi meaning

synonym words start with ‘B”

Bankruptदिवालियाinsolvent , ruined , spend
barbarianगवारilliterate , philistine , savage
barrenबंजरdesert , infertile , dry
basicsआधारessentials , facts ,necessaries
beforeपहलेahead , earlier , sooner
behaviourव्यवहारconduct, dealing , manner
biographyजीवन कथाcurriculum , life history , history
boycottबहिस्कार करनाexclude , ignore , refuse
braveबहादुरbold , courageous , heroic
brilliantबुद्धिमानexpert , famous , intelligent
borrowउधार लेनाadopt , take , imitate

synonym words start with “C”

communityसमुदायsocity , association , fellowship
catalogueसूचि पत्रlist , record , register
cautiousसावधानalert , careful , vigilant
celebrateउत्सव मननाcommend , glorify , honour
cemeteryशमसानburial ground , churchyard , graveyard
colleagueसाथीally , assistant , assistant
comfortableसुखदाईdelightful , enjoy , pleasant
commandआज्ञा देनाcharge , compel , govern
compareतुलना करनाcontrast , parallel , match
compileसंग्रह करनाaccumulate , arrange , gather , organise
confidentविश्वासconvinced , satisfied , secure
contemporaryसमकालीनcurrent , latest , modern
controversyविवादargument , debate , dispute
copyप्रतिलिपिduplicate , pattern , photostat
credibleविश्वसनीयbelievable , reasonable , reliable
criticalचतुरcrucial , urgent , vital
cruelक्रूरbrutal , fierce , ferocious
customerग्राहकbuyer, client , consumer
synonym words in hindi

synonym words start with “D”

dangerousखतरनाकhazardous , perilous , serious
dearthअकालabsence , shortage , poverty
dedicationसमर्पणdevotion , loyalty , faithfulness
democracyप्रजातंत्रautonomy , republic , self government
depreciateडैम कम करनाdecrease , reduce , minimise
despairनिराश होनाcollapse , give up , surrender
destroyनस्ट करनाdemolish , devastate , eliminate
devilअशूरdemon , fiend , imp
difficultकठिनcomplicate , hard , uphill
dismayहताश करनाdepress , disappoint , terrify
diversityभिन्नताdifference , variety , range
durationअवधिperiod , extent , stretch
dynamicशक्तिमानactive , energetic , forceful
synonym words in hindi

synonym words start with “E”

efficientयोग्यcapable , competent , powerful
eligibleयोग्यfit , proper , worthy
emancipateमुक्त करनाdeliver , discharge , free
embarrassव्याकुल करनाdistress , fluster , shame
excellenceमहत्वgoodness , greatness , purity
excessअधिकतleftover , surplus , remainder
excuseमाफ़ करनाapologise , defend , forgive
experiencedअनुभवcompetent , expert , skilful
synonym words in hindi
failureअसफलbreak down , downfall , ruin
familiarपरिचितfriendly , ordinary , acquainted
fascinationमायाattraction , charm , glamour
fertileउपजाऊabundant , plentiful , luxuriant , fruitful
festiveपर्वcordial , gala , gleeful
flourishसफल होनाbloom , develop , prosper
followerअनुयायीdevote , disciple , pupil
foreignerविदेशीaliev , new , comer , stranger
foreverसदा के लिएalways , evermore , for all time
fragmentअंशpiece , part , particle
fulfilनिभानाaccomplish , achieve , execute
funnyमजाकियाamusing , comical , laughable
synonym words in hindi

synonym words start with “G”

gainलाभadvbance , increase , progress
gatherसंग्रह करनाaccumulate , assemble , collect
generalसाधारणcommon , universal , normal
genuineयथार्तactual , authentic , natural
glamorousआकर्षकattractive , charming , lovely
gloriousतेजस्वीbrilliant , delightful , excellent
gratefulकृतज्ञobligated , obliged , sensible

synonym words start with “H”

handsomeसूंदरbarrier , block , hindrance
hazardousसंकटमयdangerous , difficult , risky
hijackअपहरण करनाkidnap , seize , snatch
historyइतिहासannals , chronicle , chronology
homageपूजाworship , loyalty , tribute
humanityमानवताhumankind , mankind , mortality
hungryभूखाdesirous , eager , greedy

synonym words start with “I”

ignoranceअज्ञानताblindness , innocense , oblivion
illegalअवैधbanned , prohibited , unlawful
immediateतुरंतinstant , recent , urgent
immenseबहुत बड़ाenormous , gigantic , great
incidentघटनाevent , instance , occurrence
individualअकेलाbody , fellow , party , person , soul
innocenceनिर्दोषhonesty , ignorance , chastity
internalभीतरdomestic , inner , inside

synonym words start with “J”

jealousईर्ष्याdesirous , envious , rival
journeyयात्राvoyage , trip , tour
judiciousउचितcareful , prudent , reasonable
junctionमिलने का स्थानjoint , meeting point , linking
justiceन्यायlegitimacy , law , fairness

synonym words start with “K”

keepरखनाpossess , restrain , retain
killमरनाassassinate , butcher ,murder
kindदयालुgenerous , merciful
knockखटखटानाblow , hit , strike
knowledgeज्ञानinformation , perception , wisdom
knownपरिचितpopular , famous , familiar

synonym words start with “L”

laboriousमजदुरlaboured , uphill , tiresome
landlordमालिकowner , host , proprietor
laughterहसने वालाlaughing , merriment , amusement
literalमूलार्थfactual , exact , plain
loverप्रेमिकाsweat heart , admirer
luxuriousसुखभोगीcomfortable , deluxe , lavish
luxuryबिलाशbliss , comfort , pleasure

synonym words start with “M”

marriageविवाहmatrimony , nuptials , wedding
matchखेलgame , trial , venue
maximumअधिकतमsupreme , largest , most
memorialस्मारकmausoleum , momento , monument
merchantव्यापारीbroker , vender , trader
minimumन्यूनतमbottom , least , lowest
modernआधुनिकnew , recent , fresh
mountainपर्बतmount , peak , height
mysteriousगुप्तcurious , secret , hidden
mythicalकाल्पनिकimaginary , legendary , fairytable

synonym words start with “N”

narrowसकराlimited , restricted , masrginal
naughtyनटखटmischievous , roguish
necessaryजरुरीcompulsory , essential , needful
nightmareबुरा सपनाbad dream , horror,trial
nutritiousपोस्टिकhealthful , beneficial , nourshing

synonym words start with “O”

obliviousभुलक्क्ड़careless , forgetful , ignorant
obviousस्पस्टapparent , clear , transparent
opponentविरोधीchallenger , antagonist , enemy
optionalविकल्पextra , voluntary , possible
ownerमालिकlord , master, proprietor

synonym words start with “P”

passionateक्रोधीemotional , eager , aroused
pilgrimageतीर्थयात्राcrusade , expedition , trip
preciousबहुमूल्यcostly , fine , valuable
predictionभविष्य वाणीforecast , prophecy , prophecy
previousपूर्वearlier , former , prior
programmeकार्यक्रमagenda , syllabus , curriculum
punctualसामयिकearly , exact , prompt
puzzledव्याकुलdoubtful , perplexed , mixed

synonym words start with “Q”

quaintविचित्रantiquated , odd ,strange
questionerप्रश्न पूछने वालाenquirer , examiner , interviewer
queerविचित्रcurious , puzzling , strange

synonym words start with “R”

rainyबरसातdamp , wet , drizzly
randomअचानकaccidental , chance , incidental
ratifyप्रमाणित करनाapprove , certify , authorise
readyपूरी तैयारी सेarranged , fit , completed
rectifyसुधारamend , correct , remedy
refereeनिर्णयकर्ताarbitrator , judge , umpire
refugeeशरणार्थीescapee , exile , deserter , absconder
relianceविश्वासassurance , belief , confidence
rescueमुक्त करनाdeliver , liberate , recover
resembleअनुकरण करनाapproach , favour , duplicate
residenceघरhome , house , palace
respectfulसम्मानपूर्वकhumble , obedient , polite
restaurantभोजनालयcafe , buffet
rogueदुष्कर्मcheat , deceiver , devil
synonyms word with hindi meaning

synonym words start with “S”

safetyबचावassurance , protection , security
savingsबचतcapital , fund , resources
staminaआतंरिक शक्तिpower , strength , vigour
stupidमुर्खfoolish , dull , idiotic
successfulसफलlucky , wealthy , victorious
surveyजांचassess , consider , inspect
sympathyसहानुभतिpity , condolence , comfort
synonymousपर्यायवाचीcomparable , corresponding , identical
synonyms word with hindi meaning

synonym words start with “T”

talentedबुद्धिमानable , apt ,clever
targetलछ्यaim , ambition , goal
touristपर्यटकtraveller , tripper , voyager
transparentपारदर्शीapparent , clear , obvious
trophyउपहारwaard , cup , momento
tutorगुरुcoach , educatyor , guide
twinkleचमकनाglitter , shine , glimmer
synonyms word with hindi meaning

synonym words start with “V”

vacantखालीempty , free , unfilled
vanishनस्ट होनाdepart , die out , disappear
vulgarअसामान्यcommn , native , unrefined
synonyms word with hindi meaning

synonym words start with “W”

watchmanरखवालाcaretaker , guard , custodian
worldwideव्याप्तgeneral , global , universal
wrestleकुस्ती लड़नाbattle , combat , contend
yearlyवार्षिकannual , per annum
yieldउत्पन्न करनाabdicat , allow , comply
youthfulयुवाchildish , young , immature
zealजोशdevotion , spirit , zest
zestस्वादcharm , flavour , enjoyment
synonyms word with hindi meaning

synonym words